Mobile Hydraulic Hose Repair

We can repair all types of hydraulic hoses on site or at our workshop, we have a mobile crimper which allows us to take the crimper to the hose rather than the hose to the crimper.


We have the equipment to charge and pressure test accumulators, they can be found on transmissions to help keep gear changed smooth and suspension systems.

Air Conditioning

To keep you cool in your cab we have an R134a gas air conditioning machine. We can safely recover, pressure test and recharge air conditioning systems

Auto Guidance

It's not just about driving in straight lines, although it does look good it also helps with productivity by over lapping pass to pass, saves time, saves diesel, saves product therefore saves money. We have stock of Raven auto guidance equipment, from manual guidance to electric steering motors to systems for steer ready tractors. We also have used guidance equipment which can be your stepping stone into the auto guidance world.


We stock a range of CNH parts and what we don't have we can source both genuine and non genuine parts and competitive prices! 

CNH Diagnostics & Servicing

We have the technology and experience to get your blue/red/yellow machine back on the road and in tip top condition, wither its general servicing, repairs and maintenance or diagnosing faults, we are the go to place for a top service. We are not limited to this though and carry out all types of agricultural engineering. 


We have technology to also carry out remapping on most agri/plant/commercial vehicles, wither you are looking for more power or to save on the cost of diesel or even to delete Adblue/EGR valves to help your engine run more efficiently then call us for more information